Inserting text

You can use either the Text Tool or the Text Area Tool to add text on the Canvas. Use the Text Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette text Inserting texts when you want to add a relatively short text string that you can resize, like other objects, by clicking and dragging. When you want to add longer text strings, such as paragraphs, use the Text Area Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette text area Inserting texts, which lets you control horizontal and vertical alignment and creates an area inside which the text reflows, rather than resizes, when you change the size or proportions of the area.

To add text with the Text Tool, do this:

  1. Select the Text Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette text Inserting texts on the Tool Palette.
  2. Do one of the following.
  3. Create the text area and input the text

  1. Click on the canvas and drag the mouse to create the area where the text will be inserted. Press Enter to create a line break.
  2. When the cursor begins blinking, input the desired text.
  3. Set the text properties from the Text tab in the Properties window. Text properties are applied to all the text that has been inputted. However, properties such as alignment and vertical/horizontal writing cannot be set while the text is still being inputted.
     Namo WebCanvas text insert 3 Inserting texts
    After inputting all the text, if you click on the Selection Tool and select the text area, the inactive properties will become active and alterable.
  4. To finish inputting the text, press the Esc key.

Use the Text dialog box to input the text

  1. Click the point on the Canvas where you want to insert the text.
  2. In the Text dialog box, type in the text. To insert a line break, press Ctrl+Enter.
  3.  and specify the font type, size, the direction of the text, and other properties.

Example of text inserted horizontally
Namo WebCanvas text insert 1 Inserting texts
Example of text inserted vertically
 Namo WebCanvas text insert 2 Inserting texts

To add text with the Text Area Tool, do this:

  1. Select the Text Area Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette text area Inserting texts on the Tool Palette.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the Canvas, draw a rectangle where you want the text area to be. In the Text Area dialog box, type in the text and specify the font type, size, the direction of the text, alignment, and other properties.
    • Click the point on the Canvas where the top left corner of the text box is to be. In the Text Area dialog box, type in the text and specify the font type, size, the direction of the text, alignment, width and height of the text box and other properties.
Namo WebCanvas top Inserting texts

Inserting texts