Inserting a text path

You can insert text in the form of path using the Text Path Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette text path Inserting a text path.

  1. Select the Text Path Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette text path Inserting a text path on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select a path object on the Canvas to be used as a text contour. When the mouse-pointer turns into a Namo WebCanvas text path 6 Inserting a text path on the path object, click the part.
  3. In the Text Path dialog box, type in the text and specify the font type, size, the direction of the text, and other properties.
  4. Namo WebCanvas text path Inserting a text path

Namo WebCanvas reference Inserting a text path When a text path deviates from the contour of the text, a Namo WebCanvas text overflow Inserting a text path mark appears at the end of the contour.

Namo WebCanvas top Inserting a text path

Inserting a text path