Text objects and text paths

You can insert text in a Namo WebCanvas document in the form of either a text object or a text path.

A text object is used for inserting text that extends in a straight line, either horizontally or vertically. To insert a text object, use the Text Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette text Text object and text path or the Text Area Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette text area Text object and text path.

A text path is used for inserting text that follows a curved path. To create a text path, you must first create a path object, and then use the Text Path Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette text path Text object and text path to add text to that path.

  • Text object
    Namo WebCanvas text text n path 1 Text object and text path
  • Text path
    Namo WebCanvas text text n path 3 Text object and text path
Namo WebCanvas top Text object and text path

Text object and text path