Working with handles

A curve handle is an important device that lets you determine the shape, direction, and size of a path between anchor points.

Working with curve handles

A curve handle has two arms, each of which decides the slope before and after the anchor point. The two arms of a curve handle are opposite in direction but not necessarily the same length. The two arms heading in opposite directions ensure that the slope around the anchor point is continuous. Curve handles are not displayed on anchor points of straight paths.

Namo WebCanvas draw handle Working with handles

  • When selected, an anchor point is displayed as a blue-colored square and the two arms of the anchor point’s curve handle are displayed as blue-colored circles.
  • An unselected anchor point is displayed as a blue-colored empty square, and the two arms of the anchor point’s curve handle are displayed as blue-colored empty circles.

Removing curve handles

Select a curve handle you wish to delete while holding down the mouse button, and press the <Del> key. Or, click-hold the desired curve handle using the Convert Anchor Point Tool and drag it towards the anchor point. When the curve handle and the anchor point overlaps, the curve handle is removed.

Namo WebCanvas top Working with handles

Working with handles