Removing an anchor point

You can modify the shape of path objects by removing the anchor points from the path.

  1. Select the Direct Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette direct select Removing an anchor point on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select a path object on the Canvas of which you want to remove an anchor point.
  3. Select the Pen Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette pen Removing an anchor point or the Remove Anchor Point Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette delete point Removing an anchor point on the Tool Palette.
  4. Select the anchor point on the path you want to remove.
    Namo WebCanvas draw point remove 1 Removing an anchor point
  5. The selected anchor point is removed from the path.
    Namo WebCanvas draw point remove 2 Removing an anchor point

Namo WebCanvas reference Removing an anchor point You can also remove an anchor point by selecting an anchor point and pressing the <Del> key. If you select more than 2 anchor points while holding down the <Shift> key, you can remove them at the same time.

Namo WebCanvas top Removing an anchor point

Removing an anchor point