Moving an anchor point

Moving an anchor point

  1. Select the Direct Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette direct select Moving an anchor point on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select an anchor point of the path object you want to edit.
  3. Choose one of the following methods.
    • Move the anchor point while holding down the mouse button and drag it into the desired position.
      Namo WebCanvas draw move point 1 Moving an anchor point
    • If you press the arrow key after selecting an anchor point, the anchor point moves by one pixel.
    • If you press the arrow key while holding down the <shift> key after selecting an anchor point, the anchor point moves by ten pixels.

Namo WebCanvas reference Moving an anchor point You can select and move more than two anchor points at the same time. Select additional anchor points while holding down the <Shift> key, or cancel the selection.
Namo WebCanvas draw move point 2 Moving an anchor point

Namo WebCanvas top Moving an anchor point

Moving an anchor point