Joining paths

You can join two open paths into a closed path by drawing lines between the anchor points of the path objects.

  1. Select the Direct Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette direct select Joining paths on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select one of the open paths on the Canvas.
    Namo WebCanvas draw path merge 1 Joining paths
  3. Select the Pen Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette pen Joining paths on the Tool Palette.
  4. When the mouse-pointer turns into a Namo WebCanvas pointer path add Joining paths at the starting anchor point (or ending anchor point) of the path, click on the anchor point.
    Namo WebCanvas draw path merge 2 Joining paths
  5. When the mouse-pointer turns into a Namo WebCanvas pointer path merge Joining paths at the ending anchor point (or starting anchor point) of another path, click on the anchor point.
    Namo WebCanvas draw path merge 3 Joining paths
  6. A line connecting the two anchor points appears and the upper parts of the two open paths are joined.
    Namo WebCanvas draw path merge 4 Joining paths
  7. When the mouse-pointer turns into a Namo WebCanvas pointer path close Joining paths at the ending anchor point (or starting anchor point) of the fist selected path, click on the anchor point.
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  8. The two open paths are joined into one closed path.
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Namo WebCanvas reference Joining paths You can also select two open paths and select the [Modify > Path > Join Path] command to continue drawing the path. Or, select two open paths and click on the starting anchor point or the ending anchor point of the path when the mouse-pointer turns into a Namo WebCanvas pointer path add Joining paths to continue drawing the path.

Namo WebCanvas top Joining paths

Joining paths