Loading a library

You can load an existing library from any tab of the Swatches window and the Libraries window.

  1. Select a tab you want in the Swatches or Libraries window.
  2. Choose one of the following methods.
    • Select the library you want from the library list displayed at the sub-menu.
    • Select [Load Library] from the sub-menu and select the library file you want from the Open dialog box.
    • File extensions of each library:

    Color library


    Gradient library


    Pattern library


    Styles library


    Shapes library


  3. The selected library is loaded.

Namo WebCanvas reference Loading a library Library files are saved in the color, gradient, pattern, shape, and style folders under the WebCanvas 2006\lib\WebCanvas directory. Each library file should be saved in appropriate folders with the correct file extensions.

Namo WebCanvas top Loading a library

Loading a library