Applying blending mode to an object

You can specify the blending mode of objects. “Blending mode” refers to various methods of visually mixing the overlapped parts of objects on the Canvas. The objects are not blended in reality but only their appearance is modified.

  1. Select the Layers tab of the Layers window.
  2. Select a layer from the layers list you want to apply in blending mode.
  3. Select the type of blending mode you want from the Blending Mode drop-down box.
  4. Selected blending mode is applied to the object on the Canvas.
  5. Examples of blending modes that have been applied to the circle at the bottom right

    Namo WebCanvas ori layer basic Applying blending mode to an object

    Namo WebCanvas layer multiply Applying blending mode to an object

    Namo WebCanvas layer screen Applying blending mode to an object




    Namo WebCanvas layer dark Applying blending mode to an object

    Namo WebCanvas layer light Applying blending mode to an object





Namo WebCanvas top Applying blending mode to an object

Applying blending mode to an object