What is Layer?

What is a layer?

A layer is a collection of objects. You can categorize objects into several layers, and this is useful as you may need to treat assembled objects as a whole. By collecting objects into layers, you can show, hide, delete or copy a certain collection of objects at once. You can show, hide, delete, or copy a group of objects at once. This can make the editing of an object more convenient and effective.

You can think of layers as transparent films. Each layer has its own objects, and when you stack them together you can see the whole object in a single screen. You can add or remove films from the stack, or move an object from one film to another.

You can check the information about layers and sheets that constitute the current image and modify the properties in the Layers tab of the Layers window.

Namo WebCanvas layer layer overview What is Layer?

Namo WebCanvas top What is Layer?

What is Layer?