Applying a hyperlink to an object

You can apply a hyperlink to an image so that clicking the object leads you to the specified URL when you save the image in an SVG file format.

  1. Select the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Applying a hyperlink to an object on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select an object to which you want to apply a hyperlink on the Canvas.
  3. Select the [Window > Interactivity > Hyperlink] menu command or just press <F9>.
  4. In the Hyperlink tab, type in the URL to which you want to link the selected object or text. Click OK.
  5. A dialog box stating that you can only apply hyperlinks to SVG will appear. To prevent this message from appearing again, make sure the checkbox is checked and click OK. However, because this box appears on a document-by-document basis, it will appear again if you open a new document.
  6. When you type a URL that starts with “www” and has at least two dots, Namo WebCanvas will automatically add “http://” at the beginning of the URL. If you do not want to include this protocol identifier, you can delete it.
  7. An icon indicating that the hyperlink is applied to the object is displayed, on the right side of the layers list, at the Layers tab of the Layers window.
    Namo WebCanvas hyperlink make 1 Applying a hyperlink to an object

Namo WebCanvas reference Applying a hyperlink to an object Press <F11> or select the [View > Preview SVG in Browser] menu command to check if the hyperlink works properly. You should install a SVG plug-in in your system to execute the menu command.

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Applying a hyperlink to an object