Replacing a Symbol

You can change instances of one symbol to another symbol.

Replacing Symbol instances

  1. Click Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Replacing a Symbol on the Tool Palette.
  2. On the Canvas, select the symbol instance(s) that you want to change to another symbol.
    Namo WebCanvas symbol change symbol 1 Replacing a Symbol
  3. To open the Replace Symbol dialog box, do one of the following:
  • In the Symbols tab of the Symbols window, select [Replace Symbol] from the drop down menu.
  • Click the right button of your mouse, select [Replace Symbol] from the drop down menu.

 4. In the Replace Symbol dialog box, select the symbol to which you want to change the selected instances and then click Replace.
     Namo WebCanvas symbol change symbol 2 Replacing a Symbol

 5. The selected instances will be changed to instances of the selected symbol.

Namo WebCanvas top Replacing a Symbol

Replacing a Symbol