Adding a pattern

You can add new patterns to the current pattern library in the Pattern tab of the Swatches window.

Adding a pattern

  1. Select the [Add Pattern from Bitmap File...] menu command from the Pattern tab sub-menu of the Swatches window.
  2. Select the pattern you want in the Open dialog box and click Open.
  3. The selected image is added as a new pattern to the current pattern library.
    Namo WebCanvas swatch add pattern ex2 Adding a pattern

Adding a vector-based pattern

  1. Select the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Adding a pattern on the Tool Palette.
  2. On the Canvas, select an object or group that you want to add as a vector pattern.
  3. Select the [Add Pattern from Selected Object] menu command from the sub-menu of the Pattern tab of the Swatches window.
  4. The selected object is added as a new vector pattern to the current pattern library.

Namo WebCanvas reference Adding a pattern To combine several objects into one vector pattern, you must group them first.

Namo WebCanvas reference Adding a pattern Once you have applied a gradient, pattern, or effects to an object, you cannot add it to the pattern library as a vector pattern.

Namo WebCanvas top Adding a pattern

Adding a pattern