What is Color?

Color is the most important element in creating and editing images. Namo WebCanvas provides color libraries to let you efficiently manage necessary colors. There are 4 color libraries other than default color library: Grayscale, Macintosh, Web Safe Colors, Windows. You can add your own libraries composed of colors that you frequently use.

Web Safe Color Library (Web Safe Colors.ctb)

Namo WebCanvas basic lib color ex1 What is Color?

The Color library files are saved with file extension .ctb in the color folder under the WebCanvas 2006\lib\WebCanvas directory.




Namo WebCanvas basic lib color ex2 What is Color?

Namo WebCanvas basic lib color ex3 What is Color?

Namo WebCanvas basic lib color ex4 What is Color?

Double-clicking the color in the Color library prompts the Color Picker dialog box. In the Color Picker dialog box, you can edit an existing color using the Color Spectrum.

Namo WebCanvas top What is Color?

What is Color?