Selecting Fill/Stroke

The coloring properties of an object is composed of Fill and Stroke. To modify the coloring properties of an object, select the object first and choose Fill or Stroke.

Example of fill and stroke of a square object with the Stroke width of 4 pixels
Namo WebCanvas select fill stroke 1 Selecting Fill/Stroke

Selecting Fill/Stroke

  1. Select the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Selecting Fill/Stroke or the Direct Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette direct select Selecting Fill/Stroke on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select an object on the Canvas.
  3. Choose one of the following methods.
    • Press the Fill or Stroke button on the Tool Palette.
    • Press the Fill or Stroke button in the Color tab of the Properties window.
    • Click Apply to Fill Namo WebCanvas icon swatch fill Selecting Fill/Stroke or Apply to Stroke Namo WebCanvas icon swatch stroke Selecting Fill/Stroke on the Swatches window.

    Example of when the Fill is selected:

    Namo WebCanvas select fill stroke 2 Selecting Fill/Stroke Namo WebCanvas select fill stroke 3 Selecting Fill/Stroke

Namo WebCanvas top Selecting Fill/Stroke

Selecting Fill/Stroke