Hiding an object

You can show or hide objects to disable editing. You cannot move or edit hidden objects, as distinguished from locked objects.
  1. In the Layers tab of the Layer window, click the left eye-shaped icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer hide Hiding an object to hide the object you want to hide.
  2. The eye-shaped icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer hide Hiding an object disappears to indicate the invisibility of the object on the Canvas.
  3. To show the object, click the empty square where the eye-shaped icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer hide Hiding an object was. The eye-shaped icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer hide Hiding an object appears to indicate the visibility of the object.

Namo WebCanvas reference Hiding an object You can hide a layer as needed. If you hide a layer, all the objects contained in the layer are hidden as well.

Namo WebCanvas reference Hiding an object You cannot select or edit the hidden objects.
Namo WebCanvas select hide object 2 Hiding an object

Namo WebCanvas top Hiding an object

Hiding an object