GIF Options dialog box

[File > Export - Save As dialog box - Click Options], [File > Save As - Save As dialog box - Click Options]

  • Range
    Specifies what part of the document will be exported. If an export area has been defined, you can choose to export the export area only. If one or more objects have been selected on the Canvas, you can choose to export the selected object(s) only.

Namo WebCanvas reference GIF Options doalog boxWhen you save a file, the whole document gets exported, irrespective of the export area.

  • Dither
    Specifies how Namo WebCanvas will map the colors in the image so that it can be optimally displayed within the color limitations of the GIF format. Select Median Cut if you need to reduce the image to only a few colors, Octree if your original image contains ony a few colors and you want to keep those exact colors, or Popularity if you want to preserve the original colors of the image as much as possible.
  • Interlaced
    Select this option to export the current image as an interlaced PNG file. (When an interlaced image is loaded in a browser, it is initially displayed at a low resolution and then becomes sharper as the whole image file is loaded.)
  • Transparent
    Select this option to export the current image with a transparent background.
  • BackColor
    If Transparent option is not selected, you can specify the background color of the exported image.
  • File Size
    Displays the file size to be exported.
  • Preview
    Previews the image to be exported. You can zoom the image in or out with the Zoom In Namo WebCanvas button zoom in GIF Options doalog boxbutton and Zoom Out Namo WebCanvas button zoom out GIF Options doalog boxbutton.
Namo WebCanvas top GIF Options doalog box

GIF Options doalog box