Stroke over fill

You can specify the Stroke over fill properties of an object at the Color tab of the Properties window.

  • When you select Stroke over fill on the Color tab, each half of the stroke width is laid over the inside and outside of the object’s outer block margin. Accordingly, the size of the fill property is reduced by half of the stroke width.
  • Namo WebCanvas basic property stroke 1 Stroke Over Fill

  • When you deselect Stroke over fill on the Color tab, half of the stroke width is laid over only the outside of the object’s outer block margin. Accordingly, there is no change in the size of the fill property, but the stroke width is reduced by half.
  • Namo WebCanvas basic property stroke 2 Stroke Over Fill

Namo WebCanvas reference Stroke Over Fill Note that the SVG Specification supports only the Stroke over fill method. In other words, the saved SVG file will adopt the Stroke over fill method irrespective of the specifications you have made on the options.

Namo WebCanvas top Stroke Over Fill

Stroke Over Fill