Resizing an object

You can resize the objects inserted on the Canvas.
  1. Select the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Resizing an object on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select an object on the Canvas whose size you want to modify.
  3. Choose one of the following methods.
    • Select the Scale Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette resize Resizing an object on the Tool Palette. When the mouse-pointer turns into Namo WebCanvas edit size 2 Resizing an object, click one of the resize handles at the corners and drag it to the angle you want. Dragging the handle while holding down the <Shift> key maintains the width/height ratio of the current object.
      Namo WebCanvas edit size 4 Resizing an object
    • You can resize the selected object by dragging and dropping the anchor points outside of the bounding box.
      Namo WebCanvas edit size 3 Resizing an object
    • Select the [Modify > Transform > Scale...] menu command. Specify the Horizontal and Vertical ratio in the Scale dialog box.
    • Modify W(Width)/H(Height) values at the Transform tab of the Properties window. To specify by ratio, modify Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 1 Resizing an object(width transform)/Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 2 Resizing an object(height transform) values at the Transform tab of the Properties window.

Namo WebCanvas reference Resizing an object You can transform the stroke width, gradient, and pattern when you modify the size of an object using the Tool Options.

Namo WebCanvas top Resizing an object

Resizing an object