Modifying the shape of an object

You can modify the shape of path objects by moving the anchor points.

  1. Select the Direct Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette direct select Modifying the shape of an object on the Tool Palette.
  2. Place the mouse-pointer over the object whose shape you want to modify and the mouse-pointer turns into a Namo WebCanvas edit direct select 1 Modifying the shape of an object.
    Namo WebCanvas edit direct select 2 Modifying the shape of an object
  3. Select an anchor point of the object you want to modify. The selected anchor point turns into blue and the object is selected.
    Namo WebCanvas edit direct select 3 Modifying the shape of an object
  4. Drag the anchor point to modify the shape.
    Namo WebCanvas edit direct select 4 Modifying the shape of an object
  5. Drag other anchor points using the same methods mentioned above.
    Namo WebCanvas edit direct select 5 Modifying the shape of an object

Namo WebCanvas reference Modifying the shape of an object The anchor points of shapes, such as ellipse, rectangle, rounded rectangle, are not displayed even when you select them with the Direct Selection Tool. To convert objects to path, select the [Modify > Convert To Path] menu command.

Namo WebCanvas top Modifying the shape of an object

Modifying the shape of an object