Setting Help

Changing the Help window size

Changing the font

Adding to Favorites

Changing the Help window size

The default size of Namo WebCanvas help window is 380 pixels in width by 470 pixels in height. However, after the user resizes of the help window, help documents are displayed in the modified size.

Namo WebCanvas reference Setting Help If you press the Hide button in the help window, the pane on the left that contains Contents, Index, Search, and Favorites tabs is hidden and only the help list window is displayed.

Changing the Font

  1. Select the [Option > Internet Option] menu command from the help window.
  2. Press the Accessibility button in the General tab of the Internet Option dialog box.
  3. Select the Ignore the font and style specified for a Web page in the User Setting dialog box and press the Confirm button.
  4. Press the Font button in General tab.
  5. Select the Option you want in the Font dialog box and click OK.
  6. Press the Confirm button in the Internet Option dialog box.

Namo WebCanvas reference Setting Help Namo WebCanvas help documents share the fonts, font colors, and background colors of the Web Browser installed in the user’s system. Refer to the Browser’s help for information about the options used in the Browser.

Namo WebCanvas reference Setting Help If you use a wheel mouse, scroll the mouse wheel while holding down the <Ctrl> key to zoom in/out the Canvas. If you are a wheel mouse user, you can resize the font used in the help documents by rolling the wheel to and from simultaneously as you press <Ctrl>.

Adding to Favorites

You can keep shortcuts to your favorite help pages so that you can more easily find and view them again. To add the current page to the favorites list, switch to this tab while viewing the page and click Add in Favorites tab.

Namo WebCanvas top Setting Help

Setting Help