Composition of Help

Namo WebCanvas Help

Composition of Help

See Also

Namo WebCanvas Help

In the Help you can find technical contents necessary for using Namo WebCanvas. Namo WebCanvas online help is composed of ordinary HTML documents. Thus, most of the help pages contain hyperlinks to other, related pages or even to related documents on the Web. The help window consists of two main parts. The pane on the right shows the current help document. The pane on the left has four tabs: Contents, Index, Search, and Favorites. In addition, there are six buttons at the top of the window. Each of these tabs is explained below.

  • Contents tab - This tab displays a list of all the documents in the online help system, organized into topics and subtopics. Topics and subtopics are represented by a book-shaped icon. To expand a topic or subtopic, click the small plus sign to the left of the icon or double-click the name. Individual help documents within a topic are represented by a document-shaped icon with a question mark. To view an individual help document, click the document’s name. You can also expand or collapse all topics and subtopics by right-clicking inside the Contents tab and selecting Open all or Close all in the shortcut menu.
  • Index tab - This tab shows a list of important keywords used in the help documents. The index is just like an index in a book, except that double-clicking an index item will open the page containing the keyword. You can search the index by entering one or more words in the Type in the keyword(s) to find text box above the keyword list and pressing <Enter>. To display the help page that contains a keyword, double-click the keyword or click Display at the bottom of the window. If more than one page contains the chosen keyword, the Topics Found dialog box will appear, listing all the pages containing the keyword and letting you choose which one to view.
  • Search tab - This tab lets you search for the help information you need by entering one or more words and finding the help pages that contain the word or words. To search, just enter your search term(s) in the Type in the word(s) to search for the text box at the top of the tab and press <Enter> or click List Topics. A list of all the help pages that contain all of the search terms you entered will be shown. Double-click a help topic to open the page. Each found search term in the page will be highlighted.
    To search documents containing a multi-word phrase, enter the phrase with double quotation mark(” “) in the Type in the word(s) to search for text box. For example, if you want to find help about Smart Rollover Buttons, enter “rollover smart button” (with the quotes) in the text box and press <Enter>.
  • Favorite tab - This tab lets you keep shortcuts to your favorite help pages so that you can more easily find and view them again. To add the current page to the favorites list, switch to this tab while viewing the page and click Add. Later, you can get back to the page quickly by switching to the Favorites tab and double-clicking the shortcut. You can delete an item by clicking Remove.

Composition of Help

Following contents constitute Namo WebCanvas Online Help.

  • Introduction to Namo WebCanvas
    Introduces Namo WebCanvas and displays instructions about how to use Help.
  • Basic Features
    Explains basic features for each task window and user setting.
  • Features by Menu
    Provides general explanation of menu features.
  • How to use Namo WebCanvas step by step
    Explains how to use Namo WebCanvas step by step.
  • List of shortcut keys
    Offers a list of shortcut keys and tips related to editing.
  • Tutorial
    Offers a tutorial which enables you to follow the step by step to learn useful features of Namo WebCanvas.

See Also

As the Help is created in an HTML format, clicking the hyperlinks opens a pop-up menu, which guides you to other help documents related to the current document. However, the hyperlinks connected to Web sites can only be viewed when your computer is connected to the Internet.

Namo WebCanvas top Composition of Help

Composition of Help