Using Online Help

Accessing Help

Searching Help

Printing Help

Accessing Help

Help can be accessed in one of following methods.

  • Select the [Help > Namo WebCanvas Help] menu command.
  • Press the help shortcut key <F1>.
  • Press the <F1> key in any dialog box to open the Help window displaying the help document related to the current dialog box. If the Help window does not appear at one stroke of the <F1> key, press it once more.

Searching Help

If you know the topic of the help document you intend to find or to view the lists of all the help documents, use the Contents tab.

  1. To expand a subtopic, click the [+] sign of a book-shaped icon from the Contents tab.
  2. Select the contents heading you intend to view and the individual help documents within a topic will be displayed.

Namo WebCanvas reference Using Online Help In case related documents exist, ‘See Also’ links will display. Clicking ‘See Also’ and selecting the heading from the pop-up menu will guide you to the help document you intend to view.

To find help documents by typing in index words or relevant words, use the Index tab or the Search tab.

  1. To search for the help documents by entering keywords, open the Index tab and to search for the help documents by entering one or more relevant words, open the Search tab.
  2. To search, just enter your search term(s) in the Type in the word(s)  text box to search for the item and press <Enter> or click List Topics. A list of all the help pages that contain all of the search terms you entered will be shown.
  3. Select the help document in the list and click Display, and the help document will be found and displayed.

Namo WebCanvas reference Using Online Help To search documents containing a multi-word phrase, enter the phrase with double quotation mark(” “) in the Type in the word(s) to search for the text box. For example, if you want to find contents on the Smart Rollover Button, enter “Rollover Smart button” in the text box.

Namo WebCanvas reference Using Online Help You can search the help information faster and more easily by using the Search tab. For more accurate search result, connect the words with AND, OR, NEAR or NOT.


If you enter ‘Smart ClipArt’ AND ‘SVG’, Help searches for documents containing both ‘Smart ClipArt’ and ‘SVG’.


If you enter ‘Smart ClipArt’ OR ‘SVG’, Help searches for documents containing just one of the two words or both of the two words.


If you enter ‘Smart ClipArt‘ NEAR ‘SVG‘, Help searches for documents where ‘Smart ClipArt‘ and ‘SVG‘ are adjacent.


If you enter ‘Smart ClipArt’ NOT ‘SVG‘, Help searches for documents containing just ‘Smart ClipArt’ and not ‘SVG’.

Printing help documents

You can print a help document when it is necessary.

  1. Select a help document from the Contents tab.
  2. Click [Options > Print...] in the help Toolbar or click the Print button.
  3. In the Print Topics dialog box, choose one from the following and click OK.
    • Selecting Print the Selected Topic lets you print out the document that is currently selected. Print the Selected Topic dialog box is not shown when the Contents tab is hidden.
    • Selecting Print the selected heading and all subtopics lets you print the current document and all the documents included in it.

Namo WebCanvas reference Using Online Help The window on the left side that contains the Contents tab can either be shown or hidden. When you can’t see the Contents tab, click the Display button.

Namo WebCanvas top Using Online Help

Using Online Help