Smart ClipArt and Namo WebCanvas

Namo WebCanvas supports the TNG (Tagged Namo Graphics) file format, the file format of Namo WebEditor’s Smart ClipArt vector graphics. You can create Smart ClipArt images in Namo WebCanvas and then use them in a variety of ways in Namo WebEditor to enhance Web documents.

Smart ClipArt

Smart ClipArt is a type of vector image used in Web documents. Since Smart ClipArt images are stored as vectors (mathematical expressions) rather than by arrays of bits, they do not suffer loss of image quality when edited or resized.

Smart ClipArt can be applied to Web documents in a variety of ways, such as in these examples:

  • Banners or Paragraph Titles
    You can use Smart ClipArt for creating banners and other graphics that have text. Unlike with bitmapped banners, you can easily edit the text as many times as you like in Smart ClipArt.
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    Namo WebCanvas intro 2 4 Smart ClipArt and Namo WebCanvas


  • Decorative Table Headers
    You can also use Smart ClipArt for creating an endless variety of decorative table headers.
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  • Bullets, Lines, and Decorative Text
    Smart ClipArt can be used for bullets, horizontal dividers, and decorative text images. You can easily modify their color and size.
  • Original


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  • Dingbats as Images
    Since text in Smart ClipArt is vector-based, you can use dingbat characters in Windows fonts to create interesting graphics without having to draw them yourself.
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Smart Rollover Buttons

A special type of Smart ClipArt is called a Smart Rollover Button. A Rollover Smart Button is a graphic button that changes to a different image when a user “rolls” the mouse pointer over it. Creating Smart Rollover Buttons in Namo WebCanvas is easy, and you can use them in navigation bars that you create in Namo WebEditor.

Namo WebCanvas top Smart ClipArt and Namo WebCanvas

Smart ClipArt and Namo WebCanvas