Namo WebEditor and Namo WebCanvas

If Namo WebCanvas and Namo WebEditor are installed on your system, it is easy to manage the Smart ClipArt resources in a unified environment.

Inserting the Smart ClipArt image into Namo WebEditor

The Smart ClipArt created with Namo WebCanvas can be inserted into Namo WebEditor by the following methods.

  • To insert the Smart ClipArt image, drag the created button from the Canvas of Namo WebCanvas and drop it on the Edit mode of Namo WebEditor. You can also select the [File > Send To > Namo WebEditor] menu command of Namo WebCanvas. Then Namo WebEditor opens with the drawing inserted its Edit mode.
     Namo WebCanvas intro 5 img 1 Namo WebEditor and Namo WebCanvas
    Namo WebCanvas reference Namo WebEditor and Namo WebCanvas If the [File > Send To > Namo WebEditor] menu command does not work, first check if Namo WebEditor is installed on your system. If this menu command does not still work with Namo WebEditor installed, then click ‘regwe.bat’ under the Programs files\Namo\WebEditor 2006\bin directory.
  • To insert the Smart ClipArt, copy the button by pressing <Ctrl + C> and paste it in the Edit window of Namo WebEditor by pressing <Ctrl + V>.
    Namo WebCanvas intro 5 img 3 Namo WebEditor and Namo WebCanvas
  • To add a Smart ClipArt to Namo WebEditor’s Smart ClipArt Library, drag the created button from the Canvas of Namo WebCanvas and drop it on the Smart ClipArt tab of Namo WebEditor’s Resource Manager window. You can also use the [File > Send To > Resource Manager] menu command of Namo WebCanvas.
    Namo WebCanvas intro 5 img 2 Namo WebEditor and Namo WebCanvas
  • You can import the Smart ClipArt saved in Namo WebCanvas by using the Import button of the Resource Manager.

Namo WebCanvas reference Namo WebEditor and Namo WebCanvas To drag the Smart ClipArt from the Canvas of Namo WebCanvas and drop into the Edit window of Namo WebEditor, you should first select the object using the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Namo WebEditor and Namo WebCanvas of Namo WebCanvas.

Namo WebCanvas top Namo WebEditor and Namo WebCanvas

Namo WebEditor and Namo WebCanvas