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Introduction to Namo WebCanvas

Namo WebCanvas is a vector Web graphic authoring tool. Using the Namo WebCanvas application, you can create various images used for web documents easily and quickly. You can also work effectively on graphics used for Web sites that integrate seamlessly with Namo WebEditor.

Vector Images

Unlike bitmapped images, which are defined by an array of color values, vector images are composed of vectors. Simply speaking, a vector is a line with a definite length and direction. Vector images can also include curves, although technically speaking, a curve is not a vector. The important point about vector images is that they are described by mathematical expressions, not by arrays of bits. This fact has two important consequences: vector images have relatively small file sizes, and they can be resized with no loss of image definition or clarity.

Namo WebCanvas intro 2 1 Introduction to Namo WebCanvas

    Example of an enlarged vector image

    Example of an enlarged bitmap image

Images created with Namo WebCanvas can be saved as vector format. Accordingly, you can efficiently edit Web documents utilizing the merits that vector images have.

Supports SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic)

SVG is an XML graphic standard that has integrated the merits of XML (Extensible Markup Language), such as extensibility and interoperability with vector graphics. Namo WebCanvas, a program based on the SVG standard, lets you save graphics in an SVG file format.

Optimized for Namo WebEditor

Images created with Namo WebCanvas can be saved in the Smart ClipArt file format (*.tng). The Smart ClipArt is a new type of vector image used for creating Web documents within Namo WebEditor. Like other vector images, the Smart ClipArt can be resized with no loss of sharpness and you can modify the features of the image on the Canvas in the same procedures common to editing text.

If you apply the Smart Rollover Button made within Namo WebCanvas to the Navigation Bar of Namo WebEditor, the Navigation Button that suits the Web site structure is automatically created, and if necessary, resized.

The Smart ClipArts are especially ideal for cooperative work that involves designers, that create the shape of buttons, and editors, who modify the fonts and colors.

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Introduction to Namo WebCanvas