Basic Work Environment

Namo WebCanvas offers various attribute windows, toolbars and other controls. You can apply commands directly to the object without passing through complicated steps. Using these controls you can create and modify objects easily and quickly with just a few clicks. Namo WebCanvas is composed of the Canvas, Tool Palette, Libraries window, Properties window, Swatches window, and the Layer window. These working controls can either be opened or closed at your convenience.

Namo WebCanvas intro 4 1 tm2 Basic Work Environment


The editing space in which you create and edit images.


Standard Toolbar

A toolbar for basic attributes such as file opening and saving.

Object Toolbar

A toolbar for layout related commands.

View Toolbar

A toolbar to control grid, guides, and canvas zoom.

Tool Palette & Tool Options

Tool Palette

A collection of frequently used tools and relevant options for creating and editing objects.

Tool Options

Shows options for the selected tool.

Libraries window


Contains libraries of color, gradient, and pattern.


Contains libraries of styles and various shapes.


Contains libraries of symbols.


Lets you associate scripts and hyperlinks with objects.

Properties window

Shows the properties of the selected object. Applies or modifies the properties. It is composed of the Paint, Stroke, Transform, Effect, and Text tabs.

Layers window

Shows information about layers and sheets. Specifies layer mode and opacity.

Namo WebCanvas top Basic Work Environment

Basic Work Environment