What is Shape?

In Namo WebCanvas, basic shapes are based on the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification proposed by W3C. The following are basic shapes that you can insert using Tool Palette.

  • Line
    Specified as ‘line’ in the SVG Specification. You can specify position in the Line dialog box.
  • Arc
    You can specify position, degree of curvature, and orientation of the arc in the Arc dialog box.
  • Ellipse
    Specified as ‘ellipse’ in the SVG Specification. You can specify width, height, and position in the Ellipse dialog box.
  • Polygon
    Specified as ‘polygon’ in the SVG Specification. You can specify radius, sides, and position in the Polygon dialog box.
  • Star
    Specified as ‘polygon’ in the SVG Specification. You can specify outer Radius, inner Radius, points, and position in the Star dialog box.
  • Rectangle
    Specified as ‘rect’ in the SVG Specification. You can specify width, height, acr size, and position in the Rectangle dialog box.
  • Rounded rectangle
    Specified as ‘rect’ in the SVG Specification. You can specify width, height, arc size, and position in the Rectangle dialog box.

Namo WebCanvas reference What is Shape? The X/Y coordinate anchor of an ellipse, rectangle, or rounded rectangle is specified as an Offset X/Y of the Normalized Bounding Box.

Namo WebCanvas reference What is Shape? As polygons, stars, lines, and arcs are path objects, you cannot modify their properties in the dialog box by double-clicking them with the Selection Tool once you have inserted them onto the Canvas. However, you can modify the properties of rectangles, rounded rectangles, and ellipses in the dialog box. Once you have created rectangles and rounded rectangles as paths by selecting the Create as Path in the Tool Options, you cannot modify their properties by double-clicking them.

Namo WebCanvas top What is Shape?

What is Shape?