Using the Pencil Tool

You can draw open or closed paths as if you were drawing with a pencil on paper. You can create fast sketches and a hand-drawn look just by dragging your mouse. As you drag, a dotted line follows the pointer. After completing a drawing, anchor points appear at various points along the path. By moving anchor points, or removing them with the Delete Anchor Point Tool, you can change the path. You can also rotate, move, and deform the path using tools on the Tool Palette.

Drawing a path with the Pencil Tool

  1. Select the Pencil Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette pencil Using the Pencil Tool on the Tool Palette.
  2. Click where you want the path to begin, and drag to draw a path. You’ll see a series of dashes indicating the path you draw.
  3. Release the mouse button.
    Namo WebCanvas pencil Using the Pencil Tool

Namo WebCanvas reference Using the Pencil Tool If you did not select styles and colors for fill and stroke in the Properties Window before you draw, the path will be invisible.

Changing a path with the Delete Anchor Point Tool

  1. Select the path using the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Using the Pencil Tool on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select the Remove Anchor Point Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette delete point Using the Pencil Toolon the Tool Palette. The anchor points display on the path.
  3. Click the anchor point you want to remove.
Namo WebCanvas top Using the Pencil Tool

Using the Pencil Tool