Creating an ellipse

You can insert an ellipse using the Ellipse Tool on the Tool Palette.

Using the drag and drop method

  1. Select the Ellipse Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette ellipse Creating an ellipse on the Tool Palette.
  2. Drag and drop the mouse to make an ellipse of the desired size. You can draw a circle if you drag and drop the mouse while holding down the <Shift> key.
    Namo WebCanvas circle a Creating an ellipse

Namo WebCanvas reference Creating an ellipse In case you do not want to create an ellipse as a path, deselect Create as Path in the Tool Options.

Using the Ellipse dialog box

  1. Select the Ellipse Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette ellipse Creating an ellipse on the Tool Palette.
  2. Click on the area of the Canvas where you want to insert an ellipse.
  3. In the Ellipse dialog box, specify the position of the top-left corner and size of the ellipse in Left/Top and Width/Height.
  4. Click OK. A new ellipse is created.

Namo WebCanvas reference Creating an ellipse To modify the properties in the Ellipse dialog box, click the inserted shape object, or select the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Creating an ellipse on the Tool Palette and double-click the inserted shape object. The Ellipse dialog box is prompted only when you deselected Create as Path in Tool Options.

Namo WebCanvas top Creating an ellipse

Creating an ellipse