Creating a rectangle

You can insert a rectangle using the Rectangle Tool on the Tool Palette.

Using the drag and drop method

  1. Select the Rectangle Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette rectangle Creating a rectangle on the Tool Palette.
  2. Place the mouse on the part of the Canvas where the top-left position of the rectangle is to be. Drag and drop the mouse to make a rectangle of a desired size. To create a square , drag the rectangle while holding down the <Shift> key.

Namo WebCanvas reference Creating a rectangle In case you do not want to create a rectangle as a path, deselect Create as Path in the Tool Options.

Using the Polygon dialog box

  1. Select the Rectangle Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette rectangle Creating a rectangle on the Tool Palette.
  2. Click on the part of the Canvas where you want to insert a rectangle.
  3. In the Rectangle dialog box, specify the position of the top-left corner and size of the rectangle in Left/Top and Width/Height.
  4. Click OK. A new rectangle is created.

Namo WebCanvas reference Creating a rectangle To modify the properties in the Rectangle dialog box, click the inserted shape object, or select the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Creating a rectangle on the Tool Palette and double-click the inserted shape object. The Rectangle dialog box is prompted only when you deselected Create as Path in the Tool Options.

Namo WebCanvas top Creating a rectangle

Creating a rectangle