Creating a polygon

You can create a polygon with the desired shape and size using the Polygon Tool on the Tool Palette.

Using the drag and drop method

  1. Select the Polygon Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette polygon Creating a polygon on the Tool Palette.
  2. Specify the number of Sides in the Tool Options.
  3. Place the mouse on the part of the Canvas where the center of the polygon is to be. Drag and drop the mouse to make a polygon of a desired size.
    Namo WebCanvas polygon pentagon Creating a polygon

Using the Polygon dialog box

  1. Select the Polygon Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette polygon Creating a polygon on the Tool Palette.
  2. Click on the part of the Canvas where you want to insert a polygon.
  3. In the Polygon dialog box, specify the length of Radius and the number of Sides. To modify the position of the center, specify Center X and Center Y.
  4. Click Ok. A new polygon is created.
Namo WebCanvas top Creating a polygon

Creating a polygon