View menu

The [View] menu contains commands related to the Canvas and the toolbars.









Standard Toolbar
A collection of buttons for opening, saving, copying, and printing a document.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Standard Toolbar

Object Toolbar
A collection of buttons for arranging the layout by changing the size and position of the object.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Object Toolbar

View Toolbar
A collection of buttons for showing or hiding grid and guides, and zooming into or out of the Canvas.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu View Toolbar

Status Bar
Displays the information about the current Canvas at the bottom of the Canvas.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Setting the Status Bar

Tool Options
You can show or hide the Tool Options. Specifies options related to the tool on the Tool Palette.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Tool Options


Show All
Shows or hides the rulers in the Edit window. Rulers customize more accurate works.

Horizontal Ruler
Shows or hides horizontal ruler in the Edit window.

Vertical Ruler
Shows or hides vertical ruler in the Edit window.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Setting Rulers

Show Grid

Shows or hides a layout grid in the Edit window.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Using Grid

Show Guides

Shows or hides layout guides in the Edit window.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Using Guides

Lock All Guides

Fixes the location of all guides at the current location.

Clear All Guides

Removes all guides.

Grid/Guide Settings

Specifies Color, Style, and Grid spacing.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menuGrid/Guide Settings

Ruler Origin Settings

Changes the origin of either or both of the horizontal and vertical rulers.

Snap to Grid/Guide

Enables or disables snapping of objects to the nearest grid line, guide or intersection.

Snap to Object/Guide

Enables or disables snapping of objects to the nearest object or guide.

Show Path Direction

Shows or hides direction indicators on paths.

Full Display

Enables or disables the use of antialiasing to smooth the display of strokes on the Canvas.

Zoom In

Increases the current Canvas magnification by 100 %.

Zoom Out

Reduces the current Canvas magnification by 50 %.

Zoom All

Adjusts the Canvas magnification to the maximum level that shows all objects.

Actual Size

Resets the Canvas magnification to 100%.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Zooming in/out the Canvas

Export Area

Displays the export area as a blue, dotted box. The part of the Canvas specified as the export area is the part that will be visible when the document is used in Namo WebEditor or when it is exported to a different file format.

Specifies the size and position of the export area in the Export Area dialog box.

Auto Export Area
Automatically sets the export area to the minimum area that includes all the objects on the Canvas.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Specifying the export area

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Modifying the export area

Clear Export Area
Resets the export area to the entire Canvas.

Preview SVG in Browser

Previews the current document in SVG format in your Web browser. Your browser must have an SVG viewer installed. You can download the Adobe SVG Viewer from the Adobe Web site.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand View menu Previewing SVG in Browser

Namo WebCanvas top View menu

View menu