Modify menu

The [Modify] menu contains commands for transforming, arranging, aligning, and distributing objects.









Repeat Transform
Repeats the last transformation applied to an object.

Moves the selected object. You can create a copy and move it.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Moving an object/multiple objects

Resizes an object horizontally or vertically. You can create a copy and resize it.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Resizing an object

Rotates or skews an object at an angle of specific degrees. Skewing an object with the same X/Y axis degrees renders the same effect as rotating the object at an angle of the same degrees.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Rotating an object

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Skewing an object

Flips an object horizontally or vertically. You can also flip an object in various ways by specifying the angle of axis.

Rotate 90 CW
Rotates the selected object at an angle of 90 degree clockwise.

Rotate 180
Rotates the selected object at an angle of 180 degree clockwise.

Rotate 90 CCW
Rotates the selected object at an angle of 270 degree clockwise.

Reflect Horizontal
Flips an object horizontally.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Flipping an object horizontally

Reflect Vertical
Flips an object vertically.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Flipping an object vertically

Reset Bouding Box
Sets the Bounding Box of the transformed path object to default.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Reset Bounding Box


Bring to Front
Brings the selected object to the forefront. The object is positioned at the top of the layer it belongs to.

Bring Forward
Brings the selected object one step forward in the layer it belongs to.

Bring Backward
Brings the selected object one step backward in the layer it belongs to.

Send to Back
Brings the selected object to the back. The objected is positioned at the bottom of the layer it belongs to.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Arranging the objects


Aligns the objects to the left edge of the last selected object.

Aligns the selected objects to the horizontal center of the last selected object.

Aligns the objects to the right edge of the last selected object.

Aligns the objects to the top edge of the last selected object.

Aligns the selected objects to the vertical middle of the last selected object.

Aligns the objects to the bottom edge of the last selected object.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Aligning objects


Distributes the left edges of the selected objects with the same space.

Distributes the horizontal centers of the selected objects with the same space.

Distributes the right edges of the selected objects with the same space.

Distributes the top edges of the selected objects with the same space.

Distributes the vertical middle of the selected objects with the same space.

Distributes the bottom edges of the selected objects with the same space.

Space Across
Equalizes the horizontal spacing between the objects.

Space Down
Equalizes the vertical spacing between the objects.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Distributing spacing between objects

Make Same Size

Adjusts the widths of the selected objects to that of the last selected object.

Adjusts the heights of the selected objects to that of the last selected object.

Adjusts the sizes of the selected objects to that of the last selected object.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Making the same size


Binds multiple objects in one group. Grouped objects behave like a single object. Activated only when you select more than one object or group.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Grouping objects


Unbinds the grouped objects. Ungrouped objects behave individually. Activated only when you select a group.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Ungrouping objects


Converts the selected objects into bitmapped images.

Convert To Path

Converts texts or objects to path objects. You can edit an object converted to a path object in various ways.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Converting texts to path objects

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Converting objects to path objects


Reverse Path Direction
Reverses the path order or direction.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Reverse path direction

Join Path
Joins paths.

Close Path
Closes paths.

Combine Path


Converts the selected paths into one path or compound path.

Converts the selected paths into one path consisting of their intersection.


Converts the selected paths into one compound path consisting of their alternating overlapping parts.

Converts the selected paths into one path consisting of the non-overlapped part of the bottom-most path.

Clipping Mask

Makes the overlapping area of the selected objects function as a masked object.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Setting Mask

Releases the objects grouped by masking and separates them as individual objects.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Releasing Mask

Compound Path

Makes the selected object as one compound path. You can make overlapping parts of two or more objects transparent by creating a compound path.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Creating a Compound Path

Releases the selected compound path and separates them as individual objects.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Releasing a Compound Path


Applies a hyperlink to the selected object. The specified hyperlink functions only when you save the image in an SVG file format.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Applying a hyperlink to an object

Canvas Properties

Specifies the document width, height, background color.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand Modify menu Modifying Canvas properties

Namo WebCanvas top Modify menu

Modify menu