File menu

The [File] menu contains commands for working with Namo WebCanvas documents.









Creates a new document. Newly created documents are named as ‘noname1′, ‘noname2′, with increasing integers after ‘noname’.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Creating a new document


Opens existing general bitmap files (*.bmp,*.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png) and a Namo WebCanvas file (*.tng) in a new document.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Opening a document


Closes the current document.

Close All

Closes all open documents.


Saves the current document in a various file format.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Saving a document

Save As…

Saves the current document with a new filename.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Saving a document with a new filename

Send To

Namo WebEditor

Inserts a Namo WebCanvas drawing to Namo WebEditor’s Edit mode.

Resource Manager

Adds a Namo WebCanvas drawing to Namo WebEditor’s Smart ClipArt Library.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Adding a drawing to Namo WebEditor’s Smart ClipArt Library


Imports general bitmap files (*.bmp,*.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png), Smart Button files (*.npi), Illistrator file (*.ai), or Window Meta files (*.wmf, *.emf) on the open Canvas.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Importing bitmap files

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Importing Smart Buttton files

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Importing Illustrator files

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Importing Windows Meta Files


Exports the export area you have defined or one or more objects you have selected on the Canvas in TNG, BMP, GIF, PNG, and JPG file formats.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Exporting a document


Prints the current document.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Printing documents

Print Preview

Shows a preview of how the current document will appear when printed.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Print preview

Page Setup

Specifies paper size, type, and orientation.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Setting the page setup

Document Information

Prompts the Document Information dialog box, where you can specify the document title and description. These information is embedded in the SVG source when the image as ‘title’ and ‘desc’ element w
hen the image is saved as an SVG file.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Inserting document information


Specifies the general options and SVG preview options of Namo WebCanvas.

Namo WebCanvas menu hand File menu Preferences

Recent Documents

Displays up to 4 recent documents.


Closes all open documents and exits Namo WebCanvas.

Namo WebCanvas top File menu

File menu