New Document dialog box

[File > New...]


Type in the name for the new document. Newly created documents are designated by default as ‘noname1′, ‘noname2′, with increasing integers after ‘noname’. These names, as default ones, are assumed to be temporary. However, they will remain the documents’ name until the documents are saved with other names. The specified name is automatically entered as Title in the Document Information dialog box. It is also displayed on the title bar of Namo WebCanvas and is used as the filename when saved.

Canvas Attributes

  • Width
    Specifies the Width of the Canvas in pixel.
  • Height
    Specifies the Height of the Canvas in pixel.
  • Color
    Specifies the color of the Canvas. Click the Color icon to open the Color Picker dialog box.
Namo WebCanvas top New document dialog box

New document dialog box