Creating a new document

To create a new document in Namo WebCanvas, take the following steps.

  1. Select the [File > New...] menu command, or click New Namo WebCanvas icon file new doc Creating a new document on the Standard Toolbar.
  2. When the New Document dialog box opens, enter the Name of the document and specify the properties of the document.
  3. Click OK.

Namo WebCanvas reference Creating a new document Newly created documents are named as ‘noname1′, ‘noname2′, with increasing integers after ‘noname’. These names are temporary default ones, and are meant to be used until the documents are saved with other names. The name of the document is displayed on the title bar of Namo WebCanvas and is used as a filename when saved. Specify the filename that you want.

Namo WebCanvas top Creating a new document

Creating a new document