Setting the canvas magnification

You can adjust the canvas magnification without altering the window size.

To zoom in

Do one of the following:

  • On the View Toolbar, click the Zoom In Namo WebCanvas icon view zoomin Setting the canvas magnification button. Each time you click this button, the canvas size increases.
  • Select 200%, 400%, 600%, or 800% from the magnification factors on the View Toolbar.
  • If you use a wheel mouse, roll the wheel away from you while holding down the Ctrl key.
  • Type a magnification factor directly on the View Toolbar and press Enter.

To zoom out

Do one of the following:

  • On the View Toolbar, click the Zoom Out Namo WebCanvas icon view zoomout Setting the canvas magnification button. Each time you click this button, the canvas size decreases.
  • Select 15% or 20% from the magnification factors on the View Toolbar.
  • If you use a wheel mouse, roll the wheel toward you while holding down the Ctrl key.
  • Type a magnification factor directly on the View Toolbar and press Enter.

To restore the canvas to 100% zoom, click the Actual Size Namo WebCanvas icon view actual Setting the canvas magnification button, or choose 100% from the magnification factors.

Namo WebCanvas reference Setting the canvas magnification Zooming does not affect how the document will appear in a Web browser.


Namo WebCanvas top Setting the canvas magnification

Setting the canvas magnification