Setting the attribute windows and Tool Palette

You can customize the editing environment by docking or undocking various attribute windows.

Docking/undocking the attribute windows

You can customize the editing environment by docking or undocking the various attribute windows, such as the Properties, Swatches, Layers, Libraries, Interactivity, and Symbols windows and the Tool Palette. The attributes windows and the Tool Palette are docked by default when you open Namo WebCanvas. Select the [Window > Enable Docking] menu command. Click the title bar of the attribute window or the Tool Palette and drag it to the right or left side. Release the mouse button and the window becomes docked to that side. Double-clicking the title bar is another method for docking an attribute window or the Tool Palette. To undock, deselect the [Window > Enable Docking] menu command and double-click the double-lined header of any attribute window or the Tool Palette. The double-clicked window becomes undocked and floats over the Canvas.

Namo WebCanvas reference Setting the attribute windows The Tool Palette can only be docked on the left or right side of the Namo WebCanvas window.

Namo WebCanvas reference Setting the attribute windows You can prevent an attribute window from docking by holding the <Ctrl> key while moving it even if the docking has been enabled.

Showing/hiding attribute windows

You can customize the editing environment by showing or hiding the various attribute windows. To show the attribute window, select the [Window > Properties/Swatches/Layers/Libraries/Interactivity/Symbols] menu command. The selected window appears on the Canvas. To hide the attribute window, deselect the [Window >Properties/Swatches/Layers/Libraries/Interactivity/Symbols] menu command. When the attribute window floats easily over the Canvas, click the Close button marked “X” on the top right of the attribute window.

Working with multiple Canvasses

You can switch between Canvasses using the list of documents at the bottom of the [Window] menu. When more than 10 documents are open, select the [Window > More Windows...] menu command to switch to the document you want displayed in the Select Windows dialog box.

  • Select the [Window > Cascade] menu command to arrange the Canvasses in a series of cascading windows.
  • Select the [Window > Tile Horizontally] menu command to arrange the Canvasses horizontally.
  • Select the [Window > Arrange Icons] menu command to arrange minimized Canvasses at the bottom of the window.

Namo WebCanvas reference Setting the attribute windows The [Window > Cascade] and [Window > Tile Horizontally] menu commands do not apply to minimized Canvasses.

Namo WebCanvas top Setting the attribute windows

Setting the attribute windows