Using Rulers

You can have Namo WebCanvas display rulers at the top and left sides of the Canvas. Rulers can help you position and size objects more precisely.

Namo WebCanvas reference Setting Rulers Rulers must be enabled in order to use guides.

Showing or hiding all rulers

To show both the horizontal and vertical rulers, select the [View > Rulers > Show All] menu command. To hide the rulers, select the menu command again. You can also toggle the rulers by pressing Ctrl+Shift+R.

Showing or hiding the horizontal or the vertical ruler

To show or hide the horizontal ruler, select the [View > Rulers > Horizontal Ruler] menu command.

To show or hide the vertical ruler, select the [View > Rulers > Vertical Ruler] menu command.

Changing the ruler origin

The origin of a ruler is the point where 0 appears on it. The default origin for both rulers is the upper left corner of the Canvas. You can change the origin of either or both of the horizontal and vertical rulers. This can be useful when positioning an object relative to another object.

  1. Select the View > Ruler Origin Settings menu command.
  2. On the Ruler Origin dialog box, enter the desired values for the starting horizontal and vertical positions, in terms of the distance in pixels from the top left corner of the Canvas. Entering a negative value will set the origin above or to the right of the top left corner.
    Namo WebCanvas dlg ruler origin Setting Rulers 

Alternatively, you can set the ruler origin by clicking the small box at the intersection of the two rulers and dragging out to a point on the Canvas. To reset the origin, double-click the same box.

Changing the ruler unit

You can change the unit of measure for the rulers from the default pixels to centimeters or inches.

  1. Select the View > Ruler Origin Settings menu command.
  2. On the Ruler Origin dialog box, select the unit of measure you want to use.

Alternatively, right-click either ruler and choose a unit from the drop-down menu.

Namo WebCanvas reference Setting Rulers If you change the ruler unit, the new unit becomes the default setting for new files you create in the future.


Namo WebCanvas top Setting Rulers

Setting Rulers