
You can specify general options and the SVG Preview settings in the Preferences dialog box.

General tab

Specifies whether to scale the stroke or transform the gradient and pattern.

  1. Select the [File > Preferences] menu command.
  2. Specify the options you want in the General tab of the Preferences dialog box.

SVG Preview tab

Specifies the browser path, text export, encoding, and decimal places.

  1. Select the [File > Preferences] menu command.
  2. Open the SVG Preview tab of the Preferences dialog box.
  3. Specify the Browser Path, Text Export Method, CSS Optimization, Encoding, and Decimal Place.
  4. Press OK.

Namo WebCanvas reference Preferences To preview the current document in SVG format within the browser, you must install a compatible SVG plug-in. You can download the SVG Viewer from the Adobe Web site.

Namo WebCanvas top Preferences
