Setting toolbar

You can customize the editing environment by showing or hiding the toolbars, and by rearranging their positions.

Showing/hiding the toolbars

Namo WebCanvas provides the Standard Toolbar, the Object Toolbar, and the View Toolbar to help simplify the modification of your graphics work. If you want to hide a certain toolbar, after selecting the [View > Toolbar] menu command, deselect the toolbar that you want to hide.

Moving the toolbar

To undock the Standard Toolbar/Object Toolbar/View Toolbar, drag the double-lined left side of each toolbar to the desired position as follows.
Namo WebCanvas basic custom toolbar 2 Setting toolbar

Docking/undocking the toolbar

To undock the Standard Toolbar/Object Toolbar/View Toolbar from the Canvas, double-click the bevel-lined area on the left side of each toolbar. To dock the Standard Toolbar/Object Toolbar/View Toolbar to the upper part of the window, double-click the title bar of each toolbar or drag the title bar to the position you want. When the toolbar reaches the position you want, release the mouse button. As the Standard Toolbar/Object Toolbar/View Toolbar docks on the desired position, the title of the toolbar disappears and the toolbar becomes slimmer and longer.

Namo WebCanvas top Setting toolbar

Setting toolbar