View Toolbar

The View Toolbar is a collection of buttons for showing or hiding the rulers, grid, and guides; and resizing the Canvas. To display the View Toolbar, select the [View > Toolbar > View Toolbar] menu command.

Namo WebCanvas basic toolbar view View Toolbar

Attributes of Buttons

Namo WebCanvas icon view allruler%20copy View Toolbar

Show All Rulers
Shows or hides both horizontal and vertical rulers in the Edit window.

Namo WebCanvas icon view hruler View Toolbar

Show Horizontal Ruler
Shows or hides the horizontal ruler in the Edit window.

Namo WebCanvas icon view vruler View Toolbar

Show Vertical Ruler
Shows or hides the vertical ruler in the Edit window.

Namo WebCanvas icon view grid View Toolbar

Show/Hide Grid
Show or hides the grid in the Edit window.

Namo WebCanvas icon view guide View Toolbar

Show/Hide Guides

Shows or hides guides in the Edit window.

Namo WebCanvas icon view export area View Toolbar

Show Export Area
Shows or hides the export area, which defines which portion of the Canvas will be saved or exported.

Namo WebCanvas icon view zoomin View Toolbar

Zoom In
Increases the magnification of the Canvas.

Namo WebCanvas icon view zoomout View Toolbar

Zoom Out
Decreases the magnification of the Canvas.

Namo WebCanvas icon view actual View Toolbar

Actual Size
Restores the Canvas to actual size.

Namo WebCanvas icon view preview View Toolbar

Preview SVG in Browser
Previews the current document in a browser equipped with the Adobe SVG Viewer.

Namo WebCanvas top View Toolbar

View Toolbar