Standard Toolbar

The Standard Toolbar is a collection of the buttons for opening, saving, copying, and printing a document. It is displayed in a default format below the menu bar in Namo WebCanvas, and can be hidden by deselecting the [View > Toolbar > Standard] menu command.

Namo WebCanvas basic toolbar standard Standard Toolbar

Attributes of Buttons

Namo WebCanvas icon file new doc Standard Toolbar


Creates a new document. You can specify the size and color of the document in the New dialogue box.

Namo WebCanvas icon file open Standard Toolbar

Opens an existing document.

Namo WebCanvas icon file save Standard Toolbar

Saves the current document.

Namo WebCanvas icon edit cut Standard Toolbar

Cuts the selected object(s) and saves it on the clipboard.

Namo WebCanvas icon edit copy Standard Toolbar

Copies the selected object(s) and saves it on the clipboard.

Namo WebCanvas icon edit paste Standard Toolbar

Pastes the cut or copied object(s).

Namo WebCanvas icon undo Standard Toolbar

Undoes the last change and restores the state before the change.

Namo WebCanvas icon redo Standard Toolbar

Redoes the last ‘undone’ action.

Namo WebCanvas top Standard Toolbar

Standard Toolbar