Swatches window

The Swatches window is a collection of elements necessary for painting the objects in various ways. It is composed of the Color, Gradient, and Pattern libraries.

  • Color tab
    Used to apply colors to an object. Pressing the Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Swatches window button displays the menu items for managing the color library.
  • Gradient tab
    Used to apply gradients to an object. Pressing the Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Swatches window button displays the menu items for managing the gradient library.
  • Pattern tab
    Used to apply patterns to an object. Pressing the Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Swatches window button displays the menu items for managing the pattern library.

Namo WebCanvas reference Swatches window The currently open tab displays its library name and the other inactive library tabs are displayed only as icons.

Namo WebCanvas top Swatches window

Swatches window