

Attributes of Transform tab


Objects on the Canvas can be transformed in a variety of ways. The Transform command allows you to modify the position, size, and shape of an object. You can transform an object with the mouse by first dragging the object onto the Canvas. You may type in percentages in the Transform tab. Use the Transform tab for the text forms requiring exact specifications in pixels or percentage.

Examples of two transformed objects
Namo WebCanvas basic property transform Transform tab

Attributes of Transform tab

In the Transform tab you may check or modify the position and size of an object. To transform an object, press the Up/Down buttons or the type in numbers. Modified numbers are applied to an object when you press the <Enter> key or move the position of the mouse cursor outside the Properties window. The information about the position and size of an object is displayed in the Bounding Box.

Namo WebCanvas property transform Transform tab

  • Info
  • Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 0 Transform tab

    Indicates the point on an object’s bounding box for which X and Y coordinates are shown. Available points include the four corners, the midpoints of the four sides, and the center of the bounding box. Click a point to load its X and Y coordinates.


    Displays the X coordinate value of the indicated point on an object’s bounding box.


    Displays the Y coordinate value of the indicated point on an object’s bounding box.


    Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 6 Transform tab

  • Transform

Namo WebCanvas basic property transform lock Transform tab


Constrain Properties
Constrains the horizontal/vertical ratio of the object when changing the height or width.


Weight Transform
Changes the weight of an object.


Height Transform
Changes the height of an object.

Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 3 Transform tab

Rotates an object clockwise by degrees.

Example of rotating the object at an angle by 45 degrees:
Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 7 Transform tab

Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 4 Transform tab

Skew to the X coordinates
Skews an object to the X coordinates by degrees.

Example of skewing the object to the X coordinates at an angle of 45 degrees:
Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 8 Transform tab

Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 5 Transform tab

Skew to the Y coordinates
Skews an object to the Y coordinates by degrees.

Example of skewing the object to the Y coordinates at an angle of 45 degrees:
Namo WebCanvas basic property transform 9 Transform tab

Namo WebCanvas top Transform tab

Transform tab