Text tab

Text tab

Attributes of Text tab

Text tab

You can insert text using the Text Tool and the Text Path Tool. Use the Text Tool when inserting a text object of straight form, and the Text Path Tool when inserting texts of a curvilinear form. You can also use the Text Area Tool to add relatively long text strings, such as paragraph on the Canvas. The Text Area Tool lets you control horizontal and vertical alignment and creates an area inside which the text reflows, rather than resizes, when you change the size or proportions of the area.

Examples of the text object and the text path
Namo WebCanvas basic property text 3 Text tab

Attributes of Text tab

In the Text tab you can check and modify the properties of the text object or text path.

Namo WebCanvas property text Text tab

  • Font
    Specifies the font family of the text object.
  • Font Size
    Specifies the font size of the text object.
  • Text Style
  • Namo WebCanvas dlg text insert 3 Text tab

    Makes the text bold.

    Namo WebCanvas dlg text insert 4 Text tab

    Makes the text italic.

    Namo WebCanvas dlg text insert 1 Text tab

    Arranges the text horizontally.

    Namo WebCanvas dlg text insert 2 Text tab

    Arranges the text vertically.

  • Text
    Types in the text to be inserted into the document. Press the <Ctrl + Enter> key, and type in multiple lines of text paths.
  • Align
    Alignment can be altered only when the text box and not the text itself is selected.
    • Namo WebCanvas dlg text area 1 Text tab Left: Aligns the text on the left side of the text box.
    • Namo WebCanvas dlg text area 2 Text tab Center: Centers the text horizontally in the text box.
    • Namo WebCanvas dlg text area 3 Text tab Right: Aligns the text on the right side of the text box.
    • Namo WebCanvas dlg text area 4 Text tab Top: Aligns the text to the top of the text box.
    • Namo WebCanvas dlg text area 5 Text tab Middle: Centers the text vertically in the text box.
    • Namo WebCanvas dlg text area 6 Text tab Bottom: Aligns the text to the bottom of the text box.
  • Character Spacing
    Specifies the character spacing as a percentage of normal.
  • Font Stretch
    Specifies the horizontal/vertical ratio of the font as a percentage of normal.
  • Line Spacing
    Specifies the spacing between lines of text as a percentage of normal.
  • Start Offset
    Specifies the starting point of the text as a percentage. Entering ’0′ lets the text start at the starting point of the path and entering a larger number will start the text farther from the starting point of the path. This option is applicable only to the text path.

Example of specifying the starting point as 0 %
Namo WebCanvas basic property text 1 Text tab
Example of specifying the starting point as 30 %
Namo WebCanvas basic property text 2 Text tab

Namo WebCanvas top Text tab

Text tab