Paint tab

Paint tab

Attributes of Paint tab

Paint tab

Fill and Stroke modify the visual properties of Objects created with Namo WebCanvas, such as shapes, texts, and paths.

Examples of Fill and Stroke of a rectangle
Namo WebCanvas select fill stroke 1 Paint tab

You may apply Fill and Stroke with its three paint properties (Color, Gradient, and Pattern). You can apply the Fill and Stroke properties at the same time by choosing the properties to be applied or excluded, by using the Styles tab of the Libraries window.

Examples various Fill and Stroke
Namo WebCanvas basic property paint ex Paint tab

Attributes of Paint tab

You can check and modify the Fill and Stroke properties of an object in the Paint tab of the Properties window.

Namo WebCanvas property paint Paint tab

  • Fill
    Checks or modifies the Fill properties of an object. You can choose from the Color, Gradient, Pattern tabs.
  • Stroke
    Checks or modifies the Stroke properties of an object. You can choose from the Color, Gradient, Pattern tabs.
  • Attributes of buttons
  • Namo WebCanvas basic toolpalette colorbutton Paint tab

    Default Color
    Sets the Fill or Stroke property of the selected object to white (#FFFFFF), the default value

    Namo WebCanvas basic toolpalette gradient Paint tab

    Default Gradient
    Set the Fill or Stroke property of the selected object to the default gradient.

    Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette erase properties Paint tab

    No Fill or Stroke
    Deletes all the properties of the Fill or Stroke properties.

    Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette set default Paint tab

    Default Fill and Stroke
    Set the Fill and Stroke properties to the default value. The default value is white (#FFFFFF) for Fill, and black (#000000) for Stroke.

    Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette swap properties Paint tab

    Swap Fill and Stroke
    Switches the Fill and Stroke properties with each other.

  • Fill rule
  • Specifies how to fill the overlapping parts of two or more objects.

    Even-odd: Makes the overlapping parts transparent.
    Non-zero winding : Compounds the overlapping parts.

    Examples of Even-oddand Non-zero winding applied to the compound path of two overlapping objects.
    Namo WebCanvas polygon fill mode Paint tab

    Namo WebCanvas reference Paint tab When you combine objects with different path directions into a compound path, the Even-oddrule applies.

    Examples of compound paths with different path directions

    Namo WebCanvas polygon fill mode nonzero Paint tab

  • Stroke over fill
    Chooses whether to create the Stroke over or behind the Fill area.
  • Examples of rectangles with stroke width 10
    Namo WebCanvas basic property stroke 1 Paint tab Namo WebCanvas basic property stroke 2 Paint tab

  • Anti-aliased
  • Applies Anti Aliasing to an object for soft edges.
    Namo WebCanvas basic property antialiasing Paint tab

Namo WebCanvas top Paint tab

Paint tab