Effects tab

Effects tab

Attributes of the Effect tab

Effects tab

Use this tab to apply various effects to objects.

Example of an object to which the Bevel and Drop Shadow effects have been applied:
Namo WebCanvas basic property effect 1 Effect tab

Attributes of Effects tab

In the Effects tab of the Properties window, you can view or edit the effects applied to the currently selected object. Effects change the appearance of an object without changing the object itself. You can edit an effect by double-clicking it, and you can change the application order of effects using the up/down buttons. By modifying the order of the application of these effects, you can change how the object will be displayed. You can also remove an effect, or just disable it by clearing its check box.

Namo WebCanvas property effect Effect tab

  • Menu commands Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Effect tab
  • Edit Effect

    Edits the selected effect. This will open one of the Bevel, Drop Shadow, Gaussian Blur, and Glow dialog boxes.

    Remove Effect

    Removes the selected effect.

  • Buttons

Namo WebCanvas icon property effect up Effect tab

Move Up

Moves the selected effect “up” one level. Multiple effects can interact with each other in different ways depending on their order.

Namo WebCanvas icon property effect down Effect tab

Move Down
Moves the selected effect “down” one level. Multiple effects can interact with each other in different ways depending on their order.

Namo WebCanvas icon lib add Effect tab

Add Effect
Click this button and select the effect you want to add. The following effects are available:

Gaussian Blur
Blurs all the edges of the object, giving it an out-of-focus appearance. You can control the degree of blurriness.
Namo WebCanvas basic property effect 2 Effect tab

Drop Shadow
Makes the object appear to float above the background by casting a shadow on it, or to be sunk below the background by having the background cast a shadow on it. You can control the size, color, blurriness, and opacity of the shadow.
Namo WebCanvas basic property effect 3 Effect tab

Gives the object a contoured, three-dimensional appearance. You can control a variety of settings to fine-tune the effect.
Namo WebCanvas basic property effect 4 Effect tab

Gives the object the appearance of glowing. You can specify an outer or an inner glow and control the glow’s size, color, and blurriness.
Namo WebCanvas basic property effect 5 Effect tab

Adjusts the brightness and/or contrast of the object.

Adjusts the hue and/or saturation of the object.

Namo WebCanvas icon property effect edit Effect tab

Edit Effect
Opens the appropriate dialog box so you can edit the selected effect.

Namo WebCanvas icon lib delete Effect tab

Remove Effect
Removes the selected effect.

Namo WebCanvas top Effect tab

Effect tab