Styles tab

Styles tab

Attributes of Styles tab

Styles tab

You can register a collection of properties such as Fill, Stroke, Effects, and Font, as separate styles. The registered style can be applied to other objects with just one click. You can also elect to include or exclude, one or more of the collection of properties, when you apply the style to an object.

An Example of an object in which styles have been applied
Namo WebCanvas basic lib style Styles tab

Attributes of Styles tab

In the Styles tab, the styles registered in the library are displayed as thumbnails. When the property of a inserted text object is registered as a style, the thumbnail is displayed as ‘Text.’ You can rearrange the thumbnails by dragging one and drop it at the desired position. Double-clicking the thumbnail opens the Edit Style dialog box and you can edit the styles as you wish.

Namo WebCanvas basic lib style ex1 Styles tab

  • Menu Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Styles tab

Edit Style Options…

Opens the Edit Style dialog box, where you specify the properties to be applied to the selected style item.

Add Style

Adds the object currently selected on the Canvas to the current style library.

Remove Style

Removes the selected style item from the current style library.

New Library…

Creates a new blank style library. Enter Name for the new style library in the Library Name dialog box. As the library is empty when you create a new blank style library, select Add New Style to add your new styles into the new library.

Load Library…

Opens a style library you have previously saved.

Save as library…

Saves the current style library as another style library file.

Default Library

Loads the default Styles library.

  • Buttons

Namo WebCanvas icon lib add Styles tab

Add Style
Adds the object currently selected on the Canvas to the current style library.

Namo WebCanvas icon lib delete Styles tab

Remove Style
Removes the selected style item from the current style library.

Namo WebCanvas top Styles tab

Styles tab